Noel Wien Library

Mother Moose in the Berry Room

April 9th 2007 Monday

A short rhyme, story and activity time for the under 2 set and a parent or caregiver. In the Berry Room Story Area.
No registration is required.
Hearing impaired attendees who need interpreter assistance should contact the Berry Room at least one week before a scheduled program to arrange interpreter service. For more information, you may call the Berry Room at 459-1052.

Alaska Summer Research Academy - Registration Open

February 4, 2007 - May 11, 2007
24 hours a day online
For students grade 8-12.
The Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA) offers a hands-on, in-depth experience in one of 15 different subjects in the sciences and liberal arts. Groups of 8 students work closely with University of Alaska Fairbanks faculty & staff who are experts in their field.
These instructors are gifted educators, eager to share the love of their subject with young students. The focus is on fun and learning without exams or homework. Students live on campus and experience college life. Evenings are filled with a wide variety recreational activities.
In 2007 they are offering the following academic units: BioMedicine, Civil Engineering, Computer Forensics, Earthquakes in Denali National Park, Electrical Engineering, Filmmaking, Forensics, Law, Photography, Programming Robotics, Robotics, Web Media/Podcasting, Wildlife Ecology, and Marine Biology in Kasitsna Bay.
Applications are now being accepted, and are filled on a first-come basis. Apply now for an experience you will remember for the rest of your life!
Phone: (907) 474-6714

North Star Ballet Spring Gala - "Alice in Wonderland"

April 6, 2007 - April 8, 2007
Friday, 8 pm; Saturday, 2 and 8 pm
Hering Auditorium (Lathrop High School), 901 Airport Way
General admission, $18; students/seniors,$16; under 13, $8. Half price for military; reserved, $24.
North Star Ballet Spring Gala feature "Alice in Wonderland." Also Red Arc/Blue Veil to music by Fairbanks composer John Luther Adams, Burgundy Suite, Matinee Musicale. One weekend only! Meet the cast in costume at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party after the Saturday matinee. Tickets available at Hoitts, Artworks, Bentley Mall Safeway, North Star Ballet studio, and at the door. Call 451-8800 for credit card reservations.

Mush for Kids

It's Spring! The 10th annual Mush for Kids is happening today!
Saturday April 7th
11am - 3pm
Pioneer Park Civic Center Inside and outside!
Dogsled rides, and lots of other kid-friendly events. This always gets a good turnout, because it's so much fun.