kid alaska - weekend events


*****May 20th*****

Fishing is Fun day at the fields next to the fish and game office.
That is the office on college road next to creamers field.
They are going to have tons of booths and activities for kids, but the most popular is the fishing pond they stock just for this day. Hours are 11-3PM.

Large Animal Research Station
10-3 Meet the new Musk Ox babies
Park at UAF Taku lot and ride the free shuttle

American Heart Walk
meet beside the gazebo at Veteran's Memorial Park
8th Avenue and Cushman

Gwich'in Traditional Dance
7pm to midnight
Alaska Army National Guard Armory
202 Wien St (between Power plant and carlson center)
traditional music/dancers

Songbird Identification Field Trip
Creamer's Field farmhouse
Meet at 8am
Bring binoculars if you have them
Sponsored by Arctic Audubon Society
8-noon 452-6370

Open Skate/BMX biking
Skating 2-5 and 8-11
BMX 5-8
$5 per skate/bike session
Joel's Place
1890 Marika Road just off Aurora Drive
*****May 21st*****

Fairbanks Youth Orchestras

35th Anniversary concert

4pm Sunday Davis Concert Hall UAF

Free admission, donations accepted


SPRING SKATING SHOW, "Love Is in the Air," 1:30 p.m. Friday-Sunday, Dimond Center Ice Chalet, 800 E. Dimond Blvd. The Alaska Association of Figure Skaters is putting on this free show. (; 349-0488)

ALASKA YOUTH FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION SUMMER PARTY, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Delaney Park Strip. Potluck based on first names: A-J, side dishes; K-P, main dishes; Q-Z, desserts and drinks. (339-3907)

CITYWIDE TALENT SHOW, 7-10 p.m. today, Howard Johnson Hotel, 239 W. Fourth Ave. Event raises money for the March of Dimes. Sponsored by Hotgirlz Productions. Cost, $5. (727-0149)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lori! This is great!

Diane K
Mom to James and Anna