Noel Wien Library
A special event to view the rare transit of Mercury across the face of the sun on
Wednesday, Nov 8th, 2006.
The transit will be visible from Fairbanks starting at 10 AM and lasting until after 3 PM Alaska Standard Time. We will have telescopes with solar filters for safe viewing by the public outside in the parking lot at the Noel Wien Library. This event, which is called a transit, will last nearly five hours as the little planet Mercury moves in front of the sun.The last transit of Mercury was in 2003 and the next one will not occur until 2016, so this is the only time for the next ten years to see this occurrence.We would like to extend and invitation to all schools in the area to attend this rare viewing opportunity to see something in the sky that is a daytime astronomical happening. The only thing we ask is a response from classes that wish to attend.
The library has reserved the large conference room to serve as a warm-up area for attendees to not interfere with regular patrons that day.
For further information I can be reached at work 459-1253 or at home in the evenings or weekends 488-0927