Mosquito Meander fun run 5k
10:00 am
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Start at: Pioneer Park's east gate (formerly Alaskaland)(Airport Way & Peger Road)
Finish: In Pioneer Park (new route this year).
Only late registration at the event is still available.
Saturday from 8:45am - 9:45am at Pioneer Park (race day)
Cost WITH late fee of $5 is: $20.00/adult registration w/t-shirt $15.00 Youth (under 12) w/youth size t-shirt
This is a very fun easy 5k for the family. You're welcome to walk, run, bike, skate, skip, or whatever you'd like to get to the finish. Bring the whole family out for this one, oh...and maybe an umbrella. Ugg.