Eielson Soaring Solstice Open House
Summer Solstice Walk
Midnight Sun Run

25th Midnight Sun Run - 10 K run / walk
10:00 PM
UAF Patty Center
Mostly flat course from the University of Alaska (UAF)to Alaskaland (Pioneer Park), on local roads & bike paths
4 PM to race start: Race day registration at - $30
june23 child Triathalon
A Just For Kids, Inc. fundraiser
Saturday June 23, 2007
$35 entry fee for each team, this includes a Tshirt for the child and entry in the park. There will be 3 different groups depending on the age of the child.
The walk is approximately 1.6 miles, the bike is about 2.5 miles and there is a short "swim" with the team riding on noodles.
The registration forms are at the alaska club Fairbanks on the old rich hwy. More info call 490-6722
june 21 Midnight Sun Festival

Olympic Gold Medalist
Kayaking Lessons & Tips
Gold Panning
Climbing Wall
Bucking Salmon
Petting Zoo
Dunk Tank
Kids Games & Prizes
n n n n n n n
Over 160 Booths
Fine Alaskan Arts & Crafts
Over 30 Bands on
3 Stages
JUNE21Midnight Sun Baseball

Fairbanks Day

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
1-4pm kid's activities
Come celebrate Fairbanks! FREE train rides, music, kids' games, Community Organization booths, prizes and giveaways.
This sounds like a nice reason to get out to Pioneer Park, listen to music, and learn about different groups that serve the community.