kid alaska Palmer Alaska State Fair

Alaska State Fair

Palmer ak

"For 70 years...
A Tradition of Gathering"

August 24 - September 4, 2006

Fair Hours
Noon to 10 pm on weekdays
10 am to 10 pm on weekends

kid alaska Ester UAF Ester Dome 5K run

UAF Ester Dome 5k run
St. Patrick's and Ester Dome Road
August 26, 2006

kid alaska Fairbanks Alaska Satellite Facility

Alaska Satellite Facility
Open House
10am - 3pm
August 26, 2006
Activities for children, trips to the roof of the building, erupting volcanoes and more.
Geophysical Building, UAF campus

kid alaska Anchorage New Alaska Kids' book

Book Signing Title Wave Books
August 26, 2006
The writers of the new children's guidebook, Everything Kids In and About Anchorage will sign this new book 1 p.m. Sat., Aug. 26 at Title Wave Books (1360 W. Northern Lights Blvd.).

kid alaska Fairbanks Sandhill Crane Festival

Sandhill Crane Festival
Creamers Field
The 9th annual Sandhill Crane Festival will take place on August 25-27th. The keynote guest this year will be Michael Forsberg, photographer and author of "On Ancient Wings: The Sandhill Cranes of North America." The festival will include a weekend of activities starting with a reception and a slide show on the Creamer's barn, continuing with walks, watches, and talks for all ages including an evening lecture by Mr. Forsberg and concluding with a Tex-Mex dinner celebration at the Refuge amongst the cranes.
A few of the events for kids:
Friday, August 25th
9:00 - 10:00 PM
Hay ride from ABO to Creamer's barn.
Followed by:
“Cows to Cranes to Conservation:
The Creamer’s Story” A slide show on the
barn as the sun sets.

Saturday, August 26th
12:00 PM
Crane Calling Contest for kids and adults
Creamer's Farmhouse
Saturday, August 26th
1:00 PM

Kids' Crane Walk Join a naturalist on a
leisurely walk for kids of all ages.
Creamer's Farmhouse
Saturday, August 26th
2:00 PM - 4:00PM

Crane Crafts for kids of all ages.
Creamers Farmhouse
Sunday, August 27th
1:00 PM

Kids' Crane Walk Join a naturalist on a
leisurely walk for kids of all ages.
Creamer's Farmhouse
For the full schedule of wonderful events: