Museum Day
May 26–29th
11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Pick up a map at any of the 14 museums around town
To name a few:
Wickersham House Museum in Pioneer Park
UAF Museum of the North (what an amazing view they'll have of the mountains this gorgeous weekend)
Pioneer Museum in Pioneer Park
Pioneer Air Museum in Pioneer Park
Fairbanks Community Museum 5th and Cushman
Fairbanks Native Association Museum in Pioneer Park (this is that small narrow building across from the big playground, near the railroad tracks...very interesting)
Dog Mushing Museum 2nd and Cushman
Creamers Field Farmhouse
Refreshments at some locations, and scavenger hunt prizes!!
Free and open to the public.
Sponsored by the Tanana-Yukon Historical Society.
Information: 474-9403.