November 10, 2006 - November 12, 2006
Friday, Noon-8 pm
Sat., 10 am- 7pm
Sunday, 11 am- 5 pm
Carlson Center
$4 for adult 12 and under free
The Holiday Marketplace will highlight over 165 vendors with thousand of gift ideas. Local and statewide artists, craftsman, photographers, fiber and clay artists displaying native artwork, antler carving, botanical syrups, fleece outerwear, pottery tabelware, etched glassware, jewelry, iron work, original artwork and collectors editions, hand-made soap, head to toe fur, native Alaskan dolls, Christmas ornaments, candles, packaged salmon and specialty foods, metal sculptures, hand crafted wood boxes, stained glass and much more. All in one location, on one floor with lots of free parking.
Phone: (907) 474-9082