kid alaska Fairbanks Sandhill Crane Festival

Sandhill Crane Festival
Creamers Field
The 9th annual Sandhill Crane Festival will take place on August 25-27th. The keynote guest this year will be Michael Forsberg, photographer and author of "On Ancient Wings: The Sandhill Cranes of North America." The festival will include a weekend of activities starting with a reception and a slide show on the Creamer's barn, continuing with walks, watches, and talks for all ages including an evening lecture by Mr. Forsberg and concluding with a Tex-Mex dinner celebration at the Refuge amongst the cranes.
A few of the events for kids:
Friday, August 25th
9:00 - 10:00 PM
Hay ride from ABO to Creamer's barn.
Followed by:
“Cows to Cranes to Conservation:
The Creamer’s Story” A slide show on the
barn as the sun sets.

Saturday, August 26th
12:00 PM
Crane Calling Contest for kids and adults
Creamer's Farmhouse
Saturday, August 26th
1:00 PM

Kids' Crane Walk Join a naturalist on a
leisurely walk for kids of all ages.
Creamer's Farmhouse
Saturday, August 26th
2:00 PM - 4:00PM

Crane Crafts for kids of all ages.
Creamers Farmhouse
Sunday, August 27th
1:00 PM

Kids' Crane Walk Join a naturalist on a
leisurely walk for kids of all ages.
Creamer's Farmhouse
For the full schedule of wonderful events:

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