Fairbanks Climate Conversations
7/7/07 at 7:00pm SATURDAY
Door prizes!!! Potluck!! Fun and educational!!
Ken Kunkel Goldstream Community Center
(University to Ballaine. Turn LEFT onto Goldstream Rd. Follow past Goldstream store/Ivory Jacks. The community center is on the LEFT after the store...look for the sign.)
We will be watching the televised Live Earth concert on NBC - a seven continent concert featuring musical acts like The Police, Kelly Clarkson, and Dave Matthews Band. The concerts are being held to raise awareness of global warming.
This is a family potluck event to bring awareness to global warming to our community, and to learn solutions and actions you can take to reduce your family's carbon footprint. This is a non-partisan issue, that must have action starting locally with you and your family, to make a difference.
There is a playground and activities for the kids!!
BYOM (bring your own mug, to reuse)
Carpool if possible - meet at the Farmers Loop UAF Taku parking lot at 6:30pm (at the shuttle shack) to share a ride.
Contact Lori at Northern Alaska Environmental Center
452-5021 x 27 for more information
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